How to enable debug for Spectrum Online Backup
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How to enable debug for Spectrum Online Backup


Article ID: 49821


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to enable debug for Spectrum Online Backup



Release: Any
Component: SPCCSS


These steps are to be run on the primary SS


Online Backup Debug can easily be enabled on VNM model within OneClick. 

  1. Within OneClick, go to VNM model of the same landscape where the Online Backup issue exists

  2. Go to Information -> Dynamic Debugging

  3. Enable Online Backup debug

The debug outputs to:


To enable debug on the OnlineBackup model via the command line, you need to send action code 0x10312 via the Command Line Interface (CLI) to the OnlineBackup model. The debug outputs to:


You need to send the same action to turn it off. 

  1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

  2. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

  3. cd to the $SPECROOT/vnmsh directory and enter the following command to start a CLI session:


  4. Enter the following command to find the model handle of the OnLineBackup model:

    ./show models | grep OnLineBackup

  5. The following is an example of the output:

    ./show models | grep OnLineBackup
    0x1000008   OnLineBackup                      0x10403     OnLineBackup

    In the above example, 0x1000008  is the model handle of the OnLineBackup model

  6. Enter the following command to enable the debugging where <MH> is the model handle from the command entered in step 4:

    ./update action=0x10312 mh=<MH>

    The following is an example using the model handle example from step 4 above:

    ./update action=0x10312 mh=0x1000008
    update action: successful
    Response has 0 attributes:


  7. The $SPECROOT/SS/VNM.OUT file will have an entry similar to the following confirming debug has been enabled:

    Dec 30 12:22:52 ERROR at Online Backup Debugging Enabled 

  8. Run the Online Backup or wait for the next scheduled Online Backup interval to pass, then send the VNM.OUT to CA Spectrum Support for review.

  9. To disable the debug, issue the same exact command again through CLI:

    ./update action=0x10312 mh=0x1000008
    update action: successful
    Response has 0 attributes:

    The VNM.OUT will show:

    Dec 30 12:24:21 ERROR at Online Backup Debugging Disabled 

Additional Information

Also check the log


for additional information (on both primary and secondary hosts)