Duplicate attribute names error when creating a SpectroWatch in Spectrum OneClick
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Duplicate attribute names error when creating a SpectroWatch in Spectrum OneClick


Article ID: 49738


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Duplicate attribute names error when creating a SpectroWatch in Spectrum OneClick

If an attribute is mapped via mibtools and that attribute already exists in the SpectroSERVER database then the following error will be seen when trying to create a watch for one of the attributes:

Watch Expression: Duplicate attribute names for <attribute name> There are two attributes with this name. Use the ATTR () primitive to correctly identify the desired attribute


Release: Any
Component: SPCCSS


The ATTR prefix and the attribute hex value assigned to the attribute must be used to properly identify the attribute you want to create the watch for. The following is an example of an expression that can be used when creating a watch:


The .# will watch all instances of the attribute 0xfff00171

If you get a message like this (Invalid attribute descriptor. The attribute '0xfff00171' must be list and readable):

Remove the .# characters.

Additional Information

Please reference the "Watches" section of the documentation for more information.