Gen Web Service Wizard User Tomcat and Axis install steps
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Gen Web Service Wizard User Tomcat and Axis install steps


Article ID: 49624


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset


This article is to help users install Apache Tomcat and Axis which are required for use in the Gen Web Service Wizard feature


Gen Web service Wizard (plug-in)


  1. Download Tomcat from
    Select Binaries under the Downloads heading and select the desired version.

  2. Set environment variable CATALINA_HOME to the Tomcat root directory where Tomcat was installed.

  3. Download Axis (1.x) at

  4. Unzip the Axis and Copy the axis folder under 'Axis Root Folder\webapps\' directory to the Tomcat\webapps directory.

  5. Create the following Axis environment variables:

    AXIS_HOME = Tomcat Root Directory\webapps\axis (or %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\axis).
    AXIS_LIB = Tomcat Root Directory\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\ (or %AXIS_HOME%\WEB-INF\lib\)

  6. Now follow the steps to add the AXISCLASSPATH which will be using correctly mapped AXIS_LIB environment variable, as Follows (But Please replace with corresponding <Version Numbers> for the JAR files while setting the Path)

    AXISCLASSPATH = %AXIS_LIB%axis.jar;%AXIS_LIB%axis-ant.jar;%AXIS_LIB%commons-discovery-<version>.jar;%AXIS_LIB%commons-logging-<version> .jar;%AXIS_LIB%jaxrpc.jar;%AXIS_LIB%log4j- <version> .jar;%AXIS_LIB%saaj.jar;%AXIS_LIB%wsdl4j-<version>.jar

  7. Set the AXISCLASSPATH in CLASSPATH environment variable along with the current folder.

  8.  Set JAVA_HOME to the JDK home directory and add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the PATH.

Additional Information

Gen™ 8.6 > Developing > Designing > Using the Web Service Wizard

The details in this article were originally provided in earlier versions of the "Web Service Wizard User Guide" which can be located here: Legacy Bookshelves and PDFs > Bookshelves and PDFs > CA Gen