Gen Transaction Enabler aefc "/dump" shows "dumppgm: pgm not found""
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Gen Transaction Enabler aefc "/dump" shows "dumppgm: pgm not found""


Article ID: 48864


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


When using Gen Transaction Enabler aef client command "/dump [sock_number]" sometimes this error message is seen:
dumppgm: pgm not found

How to avoid this problem?


The reason for the error message is that an invalid socket number was used.

  • To find valid socket numbers, use the DISPLAY transaction and on the following screen enter "all" in the Select field. This will list current activity and "Sock" values.
  • Choose the relevant socket number and then go back to the initial aefc screen to enter: /dump [sock_number]
  • The dump information is saved to the aefad log file assuming the aefad has been started with a suitable trace level (e.g. -t15).

NOTE: it is not valid to use the /dump command with the socket number used by the DISPLAY program itself.

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