What are the important Nolio Components that I should include in my monitoring solution?
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What are the important Nolio Components that I should include in my monitoring solution?


Article ID: 48692


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CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio) CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio)


Important Nolio Components that should be include in the monitoring solution.




These are the key Nolio components that are useful for monitoring for The Nolio systems and aide in troubleshooting.

On the Nolio automation Center (NAC)

  1. Nolio server service , Monitor whether it is running and how much resources it is using.
  2. Communication to DataBase, Make sure that there are no network issues blocking DB connectivity
  3. Nolio ASAP URL is up and running
  4. Search in nolio_dm_all.log and catalina.*.log for "OutOfMemoryError" message.
  5. Search in nolio_dm_all.log and catalina.*.log for "deadlock" message
  6. Disk space, Make sure there is enough free space for Nolio to work with.


On a Nolio Execution Server (NES)

  1. Nolio server service , Monitor whether it is running and how much resources it is using.
  2. Search in nolio_exec_all.log and catalina.*.log for "OutOfMemoryError" message
  3. Disk space, Make sure there is enough free space for Nolio to work with.



  1. Nolio Agent service, Monitor whether it is running and how much resources it is using.
  2. Search in wrapper.log for "OutOfMemoryError" message
  3. Search in wrapper.log for "java.io.IOException: There is not enough space on the disk"
  4. Disk space, Make sure there is enough free space for Nolio to work with.


Nolio DB

  1. Monitor DB health
  2. Monitor in DB the availability of NES (The query "SELECT * FROM exec_servers e where error_message is not null;" should return no results)
  3. Monitor amount of "active jobs" ?" this number should not increase consistently ("SELECT count(*) FROM execution_jobs ;")
  4. Disk space, Make sure there is enough free space for Nolio to work with.