Is there a recommended calculation for the number of concurrent users per DRAS server for View 11.6 and under?
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Is there a recommended calculation for the number of concurrent users per DRAS server for View 11.6 and under?


Article ID: 48656


Updated On:


Bundl Dispatch Output Mgmt Output Management Document Viewer Deliver View Output Management Web Viewer


For CA View 11.6 and older

   Data sets = (number of index file data sets (extents) for largest CA View Database)
                        + (number of data file data sets(extents) for largest  CA View database) 
                        + (number of data sets(extents) for largest  CA Deliver database)
   usedbelowthelinestorage=((((data sets +81) / 41 and drop the remainder) * 8192) + 1200) + ((data sets * 388)
   maxusers = ((maximum available below -the-line storage  in bytes - 131072) /  usedbelowthelinestorage) and drop the remainder

Example: 12MB memory => 328 users per DRAS server


Component: DRAS