How to disable the LDAP integration if you cannot login to Spectrum OneClick anymore
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How to disable the LDAP integration if you cannot login to Spectrum OneClick anymore


Article ID: 48583


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


In the case that it is not possible to disable the LDAP integration via OneClick > Administration > LDAP Configuration, how to disable the LDAP integration?


Release: 20.2.x
Component: SPCOCK - Spectrum OneClick


You can disable the integration with changing the web.xml configuration file directly.

  • Drop all active OneClick Clients via OneClick Client Details screen.
  • Stop OneClick Tomcat.
  • Open the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/web.xml file and change following tag from EXTERNALSSO back into the default BASIC:


  • Thereafter restart OneClick Tomcat.

The further LDAP configuration like connectionURL can be found on the $SPECROOT\tomcat\webapps\spectrum\META-INF\context.xml.