Synchronization fails between DDMDB and SRMDB due to Event Poller Task
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Synchronization fails between DDMDB and SRMDB due to Event Poller Task


Article ID: 48549


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Synchronization happens between DDMDB and SRMDB in a timely way. There are scenarios where this synchronization breaks due to various reasons. This solution talks about fixing this failure if the issue is caused due to SRM Event Poller.

Synchronization between DDMDB and SRMDB gets halted due to various reasons. One of which is due to the Event Poller Task elapsed time.

Following error is spotted in the stdout.log or catalina.out when the Event Poller has a problem inserting the data into SRMDB.

Feb 26, 2013 9:18:15 AM (SRM/EventPoller/host1) (SRM_Events) -
(DEBUG) - More than 750 milliseconds have elapsed since the last SRM Event
Poll Task. This one will be skipped for domain host1

Feb 26, 2013 12:24:35 PM (SRM/DeviceModelPoll/updates) (SRMPollerLog) -
(DEBUG) - Polling device 0xa017ae
Feb 26, 2013 12:27:12 PM (SRM/EventPoller/host2) (SRM_Events) -
(DEBUG) - EventPollerTask elapsed time: curTime - lastRun = 1143. maxTardy
= 750


Release: Any


This indicates that the EventPoller is timing out due to various reasons. In the above example the difference between the current and previous execution is 1143 which is more than the default PollTaskMaxTardy value which is 750.


Increase the PollTaskMaxTardy to a value more than 750 so that the EventPollerTask gets executed successfully. Here is how you change this value

1. Log into the OneClick web pages as an ADMIN user

2. Click on the Administration link

3. Click on the Reporting link

4. Click on the Preferences link

5. Set the "Ignore Event Poll Task Older Than(milliseconds)" parameter to 1000

6. Click on the "Update Preferences" button

7. Restart tomcat on the OneClick system