While attempting the installation of the RedHat Linux Gen 8.6 Implementation Toolset (IT), the install process immediately returns the following message(s):
[root@host_name -redhat GenInstall]# ./setup
Binary file cannot be executed
Reason: The platform does not match or some necessary libraries are missing.
Action: Please check that the correct system libraries are used (libc).
Please check also that files can be executed in the following folder: /tmp
Release: 8.6
Component: Gen Implementation Toolset for Linux
This problem results from the fact that the executable files that come with the USD install utility, bundled within Gen 8.6, are 32-bit and they reference 32-bit libraries. The Linux system being used in this case is 64-bit. The install utility is referencing additional 32-bit libraries that may not exist on the 64-bit Linux machine where the install is being applied.
Commands to check if glibc.i686 is already installed:
yum list installed | grep glibc.i686
rpm -qa | grep glibc.*.i686
The library files referenced are within the 32-bit library glibc package glibc.i686 and installing it will resolve the installation errors.
The package management tools rpm or yum can be used to install the library packages.
The Linux IT installer requirement for 32-bit glibc library package glibc.i686 is documented under the Gen 8.6 > Technical Requirements > Third-Party Software Version
If the same error is seen and the 32-bit glibc library package has already been installed then running setup with the "-x" option may reveal useful information on the root cause i.e
# ./setup -x