This document discusses how to uninstall CA Business Service Insight. It also walks through what to check in order to verify that the system is completely clean after the uninstall if an reinstall needs to be peformed.
BSI 8.x
All Supported Windows OS
The current 8.3.5 version of BSI can be uninstalled through Windows ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS.
The only thing to watch for is to backup the system PATH variable first since sometimes the uninstall can remove this.
You can do this by bringing up a command prompt (run cmd.exe) and run: echo %PATH%
After the uninstall and a reboot, check the environment variables and if needed, correct the PATH (without the BSI entry in it).
Earlier versions of BSI required some more intervention to completely remove them. You can check the steps below to both validate that everything has been removed or to manually clear an earlier release of the product:
Stop everything
Before you uninstall the product, it is a good idea to stop everything and make sure that everything stops cleanly. If something will not stop during the uninstall then the uninstall is not going to be able to run properly.
If you are only uninstalling the APP or WEB server, but NOT removing the database then it is recommended you go into the GUI and stop all the managed adapters.
Go into the Windows services (services.msc) and stop all the services that start with “Oblicore” or “PSL”.
On the Web Server, go into “Internet Information Services” (IIS) and stop the Oblicore WebSite.
On the Web Server, go into Component Services (under Administrator tools) and expand COM+ components until you see the “Oblicore Engine”. Right-click and stop this engine.
Run the uninstall
Record the location of the installation folders:
Default locations are:
Go into Add/Remove programs and run the uninstall for the CA Business Service Insight Client (if it’s installed) and then run the uninstall for each entry you find for CA Business Service Insight.
Follow the prompts and reboot as prompted.
Correct the PATH
As mentioned above, the PATH environment variable may be wiped out after the uninstall. Once you reboot, restore the PATH from the backup file you created. First, remove any entries in the PATH which reference the old BSI installation (unless you plan to reinstall to the same location).
Right-click on “My Computer” and go under “properties”. Under the advanced section you will see an option to edit the environment variables. Find the PATH environment variable and copy your modified PATH into the value. Save this.
Check the path by bringing up a command prompt (cmd.exe) and running “set” or:
Echo %PATH%
Verifying that everything is uninstalled (and remove Oracle if desired)
1) In the services list verify that all Oblicore services were deleted.
2) In the component services list, verify that Oblicore Engine was removed and delete it if needed.
3) In the IIS Manager - restore the home directory to Microsoft default or other folder your choose, usually \Inetpub\wwwroot
a. In the IIS Manager - restore the home directory to Microsoft default or another folder of your choice, usually \Inetpub\wwwroot
b. Optionally you can rename the site name from Oblicore_Guarantee to another name of your choice.
4) Clean out the message queues.
a. Delete the message queues. They exist under Server Manager as shown below:
5) Clean the Registry.
a. Remove the entire Oblicore key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE.
b. Remove all keys that contain Oblicore in their data at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\.
i. You can use regfind.exe to log all
ii. Regfind.exe -p HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\-t REG_SZ Oblicore >Regout1.log
c. Remove all keys from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall that contain the REG_SZ with *Oblicore*
i. Regfind -p HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall -t REG_SZ Oblicore >Regout2.log
ii. The best practice is to validate only display names containing Oblicore to avoid deleting other kits that was installed from a path that contain the name Oblicore.
d. Remove all keys from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products contain REG_SZ *Oblicore*
i. The best practice is to validate only [Prodcuctname] containing Oblicore to avoid deleting other kits that was installed from a path that contain the name Oblicore.
e. Remove all DWORD from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDlls contain files that was located at the installation folder (as recorded in the pre-requite step 1,a,i).
f. Remove the following keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application
i. AdaptersListener
ii. Alerts
iii. LogServer
iv. PenaltyWriter
v. ReportsScheduler
vi. TaskHost
g. Remove the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Oblicore
6) Clean the Folders.
a. Delete the folders that you recorded earlier before running the uninstall:
i. \Program Files\Oblicore (or the relevant location where Oblicore was installed.
ii. \Inetpub\wwwroot\Oblicore (or the relevant folder where the web folder was installed).
(If you made changes to the registry and are not continuing on to uninstall Oracle then reboot again now)
Removing Oracle
Obviously the BSI uninstall and the steps above will not clear out Oracle. If you wish to remove Oracle from the database server (and you are certain that nothing else is using it) then you can usually follow the simple steps below. This guide is not meant to walk through the Oracle uninstall and your Oracle environment may be significantly different.
1) If you wish to ONLY remove the BSI database but do NOT want to remove Oracle itself then run the database creation assistance (dbca.exe) and follow the prompts to remove the database. If you intend to remove all of Oracle then skip this step.
2) Run Oracle’s universal installer (setup.exe from Oracle’s bin folder) and follow the prompts to uninstall Oracle.
3) Verify that Oracle is removed by checking the following. Please contact Oracle for more information if needed.
a) Run regedt32 and under HKLM\Software remove any Oracle entry that remains.
b) Delete the Oracle folder (usually c:\APP)
c) Delete the folder where you stored the BSI database (whatever custom path you specified during the BSI install).
d) Delete the c:\program files\Oracle folder or c:\program files (x86)\Oracle
Note that even if you choose a custom path for the Oracle installation there are always inventory files under this directory on the C: drive and they must be cleared before you reinstall.