Can't debug any programs when using the foreground debugging option. The session fail with: IEC130I SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT MISSING, ERROR OPENING SYSPRINT". Why?
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Can't debug any programs when using the foreground debugging option. The session fail with: IEC130I SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT MISSING, ERROR OPENING SYSPRINT". Why?


Article ID: 48477


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InterTest - CICS InterTest - Batch SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch



CA InterTest batch has two options for debugging programs. You can debug a program in the foreground or in the background using the batch link facility. In this example the user was testing their program in the foreground. When the user invoked their COBOL program using the foreground debugging option they receive the initial intercept at the first statement in the procedure division. When the user resumed execution of the program from the initial intercept and issued an OPEN statement for the SYSPRINT they received message IEC130I SYSPRINT DD STATEMENT MISSING, ERROR OPENING SYSPRINT".


When testing a program in the foreground it is the users responsibility to allocate the datasets being used by the program to the users TSO session. This is accomplished by using the CA InterTest batch JCL conversion option.

From the InterTest Batch PRIMARY OPTION MENU the user selects option
3 Allocation - Allocations and JCL Conversion
2 JCL - Browse and Convert JCL

In this example the user forgot to allocate the files being used by the program to their TSO id.


Release: OSINBV00200-8.5-InterTest-Batch