dadaemon process shows as running but not listening to port 8581
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dadaemon process shows as running but not listening to port 8581


Article ID: 48467


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Performance



User cannot add the data aggregator as a data source in CAPC. When SSH'ing the data aggregator (DA), the dadaemon process shows as running as per the command:

service dadaemon status

However, the DA server is not listening to port 8581. Since this port is the DA front end web service to CAPC, user is unable to add the DA as a data source to CAPC.

The DA fails to completely start, then you adjust memory, but then the DA says it has started, but you see no port listener (TCP 8581).

This appears to be occurring because the generated bundle cache is incomplete.

There are different possible causes like
- The CA PM Services have a higher max Memory setting than physical Memory is available.
- The VM cannot allocate shared memory fast enough
- The Service did crash before or was killed


/etc/init.d/dadaemon stop
mv /opt/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-2.1.3/data /opt/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-2.1.3/data.OLD
/etc/init.d/dadaemon start

(Wait for 5 minutes)
#netstat -an
should show:
tcp 0 0 :::8581 :::* LISTEN
#wget;cat rest
Should show you a whole lot of XML


Component: IMAGGR


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