What does the RC/Secure RS180E message indicate
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What does the RC/Secure RS180E message indicate


Article ID: 48416


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RC/Secure for DB2 for z/OS


A user encounters message RS180E You are not authorized to use this ID when entering a secondary userid in USERID field
of RC/Secure for Db2 for z/OS (RCS) Security Request Services Main Menu. Explanation for the message is vague.
Reason for the failure is that a SET CURRENT SQLID was executed using this userid and it failed. User needs to check
with their security administrator and have secondary id associated with their primary id.


The RCSSECID parm in the SECURE parmlib member is set to YES.

This results in the RCS Security Request Services Main menu displaying a USERID field.

A user can then use this field to enter a Secondary Id that will be used in executing RCS functions.
RCS will execute a SET CURRENT SQLID command using the value entered in the USERID field.
If this command fails, message RS180E is displayed.

Typical reason for failure is that the Secondary Id being used is not associated with the user's primary id.
User should check with their security administrator to determine the correct Secondary ID to use, or to have
the one they used associated with their Primary Id.