CA Spectrum may show an incorrect device firmware version
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CA Spectrum may show an incorrect device firmware version


Article ID: 48100


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


When looking at devices in Spectrum, the firmware attribute NRM_RunningFirmware may not reflect the most recent firmware number for that device.


Release: Any


The Attribute NRM_RunningFirmware is not dynamically updated in Spectrum. The only time this attribute would be checked is:

  1. Model Activation
  2. Model Reconfiguration
  3. Device Reboot

CA Spectrum monitors the SysUpTime attribute and triggers a reboot event (event only) if the time has decreased. When the reboot event is generated, the firmware version will be reevaluated and the NRM_RunningFirmware attribute will be updated.  If the device is not rebooted, then you need to manually reconfigure the model (Right click - Reconfiguration - Reconfigure Model) or restart the SpectroSERVER.