Changing JRE version for Unix/Linux Agents
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Changing JRE version for Unix/Linux Agents


Article ID: 4500


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CA Release Automation - Release Operations Center (Nolio) CA Release Automation - DataManagement Server (Nolio)


  • While running some actions the user is prompted with error  "Action cannot be loaded - not supported on legacy OS agents (running JRE 1.6)". It mostly occurs on environments where the prerequisite is to have the JRE installed before running agent installer.


Release : 6.x


OS: HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64, AIX, Linux (any non-bundled JRE)


The cause of this problem is that the Release Automation agent is pointing to JRE6 installed on the server. To verify this is the case please navigate to path <RA-Agent Install dir>/jre/bin and execute below command(s):

  • Check if there is a symbolic link from NolioAgent to an older jre by running command 'ls -al':

                      lrwxr-xr-x 1 test    test  23 Oct 7 12:05 NolioAgent -> /opt/java6/jre/bin/java


  • Also check that there is one from 'ext' to the same jre by switching to directory <RA-Agent Install dir>/jre/lib and executing 'ls -al':

                      lrwxr-xr-x 1 test    test  23 Oct 7 12:05 ext -> /opt/java6/jre/lib/ext


  1. Run: cd <RA Agent Install Directory>
    • example: cd /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent
  2. Stop RA agent by running: ./ stop
  3. Run: cd <RA Agent Install Directory>/jre/bin
    • example: cd /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent/jre/bin
  4. Remove the symbolic link for NolioAgent by running: rm NolioAgent
  5. Get full path to java from java7 in your environment.
    • example: /opt/java7/jre/bin/java
  6. Create the first symbolic link by running: ln -s <java path from step 5> NolioAgent
    • example: ln -s /opt/java7/jre/bin/java NolioAgent
  7. Run: cd <RA Agent Install_Directory>/jre/lib
    • example: cd /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent/jre/lib
  8. Remove the symbolic link for ext by running: rm ext
  9. Create the second symbolic link by running: ln -s <java path from step 5> ext
    • example: ln -s /opt/java7/jre/lib/ext ext
  10. Run: cd <RA Agent Install Directory>
    • example: cd /opt/CA/ReleaseAutomationAgent
  11. Start the Agent service by running: ./ start 

Additional Information

Please contact CA Support in case if you have any question or query.

On AIX, the 6.6 agent is not able to use JRE 1.8
First upgrade the agent to 6.7 and then link JRE 1.8