Unable to access MCS profiles - Error "An error occurred during your request. Please try your request again.  Contact CA Support for help."
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Unable to access MCS profiles - Error "An error occurred during your request. Please try your request again.  Contact CA Support for help."


Article ID: 44255


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Not able to access the Monitoring Configuration Services profiles
! Error "An error occurred during your request. Please try your request again. 
Contact CA Support for help. "


  • Release: UIM 20.3 and later 
  • Component: MCS
  • mon_config_service


If this is a fresh install, and the MCS tab is not showing the "new" ACL's that enable the USM monitoring (see below) then they may not be under your ACL lists:

Method 1

1. On the primary hub, check the file \Nimsoft\probes\service\distsrv\base_acls.cfg and make sure it has the MCS ACLs below.

If they are not there, you can manually add them by copying and pasting the section below.

 <USM Monitoring Configuration Service>      name = USM Monitoring Configuration Service      desc = Enable or disable out-of-box monitoring templates      access = write      type = UMP      apply_to_existing_acls = Superuser,Administrator,Operator   </USM Monitoring Configuration Service><USM Edit Monitoring Templates>      name = USM Edit Monitoring Templates      desc = Create, edit and delete monitoring templates      access = admin      type = UMP      apply_to_existing_acls = Superuser,Administrator,Operator   </USM Edit Monitoring Templates>   <USM Edit Monitoring Station Groups>      name = USM Edit Monitoring Station Groups      desc = Create, edit and delete monitoring station groups      access = admin      type = UMP      apply_to_existing_acls = Superuser,Administrator,Operator   </USM Edit Monitoring Station Groups>
2. In Infrastructure Manager, navigate to the distsrv probe on the Primary hub.
3. With the distsrv probe selected, press "Ctrl-P" the probe Utility (pu) should appear.
4. In the probe commandset, select callback set_acl_init with the parameter value "base_acls.cfg". The callback updates the security.cfg with the ACLs, it will not delete any ACLs, nor change any ACLs.

5. In theIinfrastructure Manager, open Security -> Manage Access Control List. Check to make sure the ACL has USM Monitoring Configuration Service, USM Edit Monitoring Templates and USM Edit Monitoring Station Groups,
6. Logout, and log back in with the user, the issue should now be resolved. 

Probe Utility through the command line


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin\pu.exe" -u administrator -p (password) distsrv set_acl_init base_acls.cfg
where (password) is the password for the built-in administrator user.


/opt/nimsoft/bin/pu -u administrator -p (password) distsrv set_acl_init base_acls.cfg

Example output:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin>pu.exe -u administrator -p xxxxxxxx  distsrv set_acl_init base_acls.cfg
Aug 20 02:29:41:619 pu: SSL - init: mode=0, cipher=DEFAULT, context=OK
Address: distsrv                     Request: set_acl_init
set_acl_init:   PDS_PCH           8 success
In IM, check that the USM/OC Monitoring ACLs are now displayed in the ACL list by selecting Security->Manage Access Control list from the IM drop-down menu.
Log off and Log in again in UMP/OC.
The monitoring tab should now be displaying for 'USM' servers or groups as depicted above.