Gen Technical Support placed a Transmit/XMIT file in my support case SFTP Directory. How do I get the file loaded to my z/OS data set?
1. On the PC using binary transfer mode download the TRANSMIT (XMIT) file from the case/issue SFTP Directory.
This article describes how this can be done from Support Portal "My Cases" using https or directly using ftp related commands: Case FTP Help Document
2. Transfer the file to z/OS as BINARY in a PRE-allocated data set with the following DCB : RECFM FB, LRECL 80, BLKSIZE 3120
3. From TSO, ISPF Menu Option 6, execute the following command:
receive inds('filenameoftheXMIT')
When prompted for additional parameters, enter the following:
The implicit IEBCOPY will create 'MyLOADLIB' & the member/module from that Library can now be used.