CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies service will not start up
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CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies service will not start up


Article ID: 4162


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies will not start up.     
When you try to start the service, you get the following error: 
The CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies service terminated with the following service-specific error: 
Incorrect function. (System Event ID: 7204). 
This can occur on a new install or after a reboot.


NFA 9.1.x and above


This is caused by a port conflict with the default port 8081. Most commonly with Antivirus software such as McAfee.




1. Log in to the Harvester server with an account that has administrator privileges.
2. Do the netstat command below to locate an available port.
netstat -an | findstr /i 8089
3. Stop the following services on the Harvester: 
CA NFA Collection and Poller Webservices
CA NFA Poller
4. Open a DOS prompt and enter the following to verify the SnmpProxyPort number (depending on version). 
(NFA 9.1 to 9.3.3)
         mysql -P3308 -D poller -t -e "select * from settings;" 
(NFA 9.3.5+)
         mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select * from settings;" 
The SnmpProxyAddress and SnmpProxyPort key names and current values are shown.
5. Change the SnmpProxyPort key setting by entering the following command (depending on version):
(NFA 9.1 to 9.3.3)
mysql -P3308 -D poller -t -e "update settings set value = '8089' where name='SnmpProxyPort';" 
(NFA 9.3.5+)
mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "update settings set value = '8089' where name='SnmpProxyPort';" 
         (In this example, the port for the CA NFA DNS/SNMP Proxies service is changed to 8089.)
Do not change the setting for the SnmpProxyAddress key. The only supported value for this key is "localhost."
6. Verify that the changes have been made (depending on version).
(NFA 9.1 to 9.3.3)
         mysql -P3308 -D poller -t -e "select * from settings;" 
(NFA 9.3.5+)
         mysql -P3308 -D harvester -unetqos -pnetqos -t -e "select * from settings;"
7. Restart the following services on the Harvester server: 
CA NFA Collection and Poller Webservices
CA NFA Poller

8. If you are on 9.3.7 you will need to apply the patch, to the NFA Console server, in the link below by following the steps in the readme included with the patch or you may see that your Router Host names will not resolve.