How to Pause and Resume the Scheduler or Application Server after Making Modifications to the AE Configuration File
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How to Pause and Resume the Scheduler or Application Server after Making Modifications to the AE Configuration File


Article ID: 41030


Updated On: 10-25-2023


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


How can you have the scheduler or the application server to read the modified values without restarting it?



Workload Automation AE


You can pause and resume the scheduler or the application server to read the modified values of the following parameters in the configuration file at runtime:

  • CrossPlatformScheduling
  • GlobalPendMachDelay
  • GlobalPendMachStatus
  • GlobalPendMachInterval
  • AggregatorStatistics
  • EnableIPCaching
  • NotifyMethod
  • NotifySMTPHost
  • UnicenterEvents
  • ServiceDeskUser
  • ServiceDeskCust
  • ServiceDeskURL
  • DCAUser
  • UseSMTPAuthentication
  • NotifySMTPUser
  • NotifySMTPFromAddress
  • SetJobAttributeEnvironmentals

Note: The scheduler and application server also refresh the internal components responsible for managing real resources.

Follow these steps:

  1. Run the shell that is sourced to use CA Workload Automation AE.
    The operating system command prompt appears.
  2. Enter the following commands at the operating system prompt:

unisrvcntr status waae_sched.$AUTOSERV


unisrvcntr status waae_server.$AUTOSERV

The scheduler and application server process IDs are displayed as follows:

               CA Services Status Report

           Component Name               Pid        Status    

------------------------------------  -------  --------------

WAAE Scheduler (ACE)                    32220  running

               CA Services Status Report

           Component Name               Pid        Status    

------------------------------------  -------  --------------

WAAE Application Server (ACE)           33330  running

  1. Enter the following command:

kill -HUP {scheduler_pid|applicationserver_pid}

    • scheduler_pid
      Defines the process ID of the scheduler that you want to pause and resume.
    • applicationserver_pid
      Defines the process ID of the application server that you want to pause and resume.


The scheduler and/or application server services have been paused and resumed.