Upgrade Checklist
- Make sure to keep the service account username and password detail running DMS and ES services handy before running upgrade.
- Before upgrade, please make sure you make a backup of files in <InstallRootDir>/conf and cacerts file in <InstallRootDir>/jre/lib/security.
- Make sure the user whose account is used for upgrade has adequate permissions on DMS and ES and install directory.
- Make sure there are no active jobs or hanged jobs on DMS, make sure to stop all of them before upgrade, also make sure there are no schedule jobs and Test run running. Please see Appendix A on how to do it.
- In High Availability setup make sure that when upgrade is running neither Primary/Secondary DMS should be processing any request. Both the primary and secondary server require the patch in specific order. During patch installation, there are no database updates other than the product version. Only the Management Server receives updates to required files.
- Stop the secondary Management Server
- Apply cumulative patch on the Primary Management Server. The patch installation stops the service, updates the required files and restart the services.
- Verify that the primary Management Server is available and working properly.
- Apply the cumulative patch on secondary Management Server. The patch installation stops the service, updates the required files and restart the services.
Note: There can be various ways in which HA on DMS is set up - it may be via Load balancers, VIP, etc. important thing to remember is that during upgrade, the primary DMS will go down for some time during restart, make sure that the secondary should not become primary and try to communicate with DB, as it may result in DB tables getting locked and upgrade failures. So make sure that secondary Management Server is stopped during upgrade process.
- Create back of necessary certificates like of LDAP certificates.