Without the changes described in this document, the HAProxy appliance will power on, but never receive an IP address.
Issue will happen in vSphere 8.0U3b and onward.
There was a change to the default behavior of cloud-init guestInfo variables that results in the HAProxy appliance from https://github.com/haproxytech/vmware-haproxy being unable to configure its networking at boot.
The vmware.log file for the haproxy vm located in /vmfs/volumes/<datastore_name>/<haproxy_vm_name/vmware.log will include one or more of the following lines indicating that issue is occuring.
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.metadata
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.userdata
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.vendordata
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.metadata.encoding
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.userdata.encoding
2024-09-13T19:10:24.512Z In(05) vmx - GuestRpc: Permission denied for setting key guestinfo.vendordata.encoding
Add the configuration settings to the deployed appliance.
1. Deploying the appliance in a powered off state
2. Editing the deployed VM and adding the following key/value pair under the "Advanced Options" tab
3. Save the changes to the VM and power on the appliance.
The appliance should power on and receive its configured IP address.