Where DevTest log files get written to by default and how to change it
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Where DevTest log files get written to by default and how to change it


Article ID: 37358


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


Where do DevTest log files get written to?

How can the default location be change?


All supported DevTest releases and platforms.




Windows and Linux

IAM - ${IAM_HOME}\standalone\log\server.log  (If SP2 or later is applied then ${IAM_HOME}\data\log\server.log)

NOTE: IAM service and server log files get written to the same location.  


By Default all DevTest services (except IAM) log files get written to {{LISA_HOME}}lisatmp_x.x.x

where x.x.x is the version of DevTest

Enterprise Dashboard log file: enteprisedashboard.log
Registry log file:                       registry.log
Broker log file:                          pfbroker.log
Portal log files:                         portal.log, portal_grails.log, portal_grails_res_hub.log
Coordinator log file:                 coordinator.log
Simulator log file:                     simulator.log
VSE log file:                             vse.log

By Default all DevTest servers log file get written to {{HOME_PATH}} of person that started the server:

Example" C:\Users\xxxxxx

where xxxxxx is the user name


By Default all DevTest services and servers (except IAM) log files get written to the $HOME/lisatmp_x.x.x folder of the person starting the service or server.

where x.x.x is the version of DevTest

Same log file names as Windows.

Changing default location and/or name of log file

Add these properties in the *.vmoptions file of the DevTest component you want to redirect log file to be written to (Same for properties for Windows and Linux)

-Dlisa.tmpdir=<New Location>
-DLISA_LOG=<New log file name>

Example Windows of New Location: C:\\DevTest_logs
Example Linux of New Location: /DevTest_logs

Suggest to put release version in log file directory name in case you have multiple versions on DevTest installed on the same machine.

For IAM refer to section "Configure IAM Logging" in the documentation of the release you are running.