How to configure Spectrum to automatically start at system startup.
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How to configure Spectrum to automatically start at system startup.


Article ID: 36143


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to configure Spectrum to automatically start at system startup.

I would like to configure Spectrum to automatically start at system startup without the user having to launch the Spectrum Control Panel to start it. How can this be accomplished?


Release: Spectrum 21.2, 22.2


  • Processd can be configured to automatically start the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes when it starts.
  • Since processd is started at system startup, it will automatically start the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes.
  • The following are the instructions to configure processd to automatically start the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager processes. 

Note: For Windows, these instructions need to be done as the user that owns the Spectrum installation. For Linux and Solaris, these instructions need to be done as the root user or sudo user that has root privileges to the files.

1. Make backup copies of the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/partslist/SS.idb and ARCHMGR.idb files 

2. Edit the SS.idb file and uncomment (remove the pound "#" character in the first column) from the TICKETUSER and AUTOBOOTSTART parameter and set the value of the AUTOBOOTSTART parameter to Y as follows: 


3. Edit the ARCHMGR.idb file and uncomment the TICKETUSER and AUTOBOOTSTART parameters and set the value of the AUTOBOOTSTART  to Y as follows: 


4. Restart processd so it picks up the changes to the two idb files by doing the following: 

   a. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation (Windows) or the root user (Linux and Solaris)

   b. On Windows, stop and restart the 'SPECTRUM Process Daemon' service

   c. On Linux as root stop and start the processd service
         systemctl stop processd
         systemctl start processd


Additional Information

For more information on the processd idb files, please reference the "Install Ticket Files" section documentation.