To perform a clone, copy, or migration operation on the virtual disks of hosted formats, load the vmkernel multiextent module into ESXi.
To load the vmkernel multiextent module:
- Open a console to the ESXi host. For more information, see Using Tech Support Mode in ESXi 4.1 and ESXi 5.x (1017910).
- Run this command to load the multiextent module:
# vmkload_mod multiextent
- Check if any of your virtual machine disks are of a hosted type. Hosted disks end with the -s00x.vmdk extension.
- Convert virtual disks in hosted format to one of the VMFS formats.
To convert virtual disks in hosted format to one of the VMFS formats:
- Clone source hosted disk to a new disk using one of these commands:
For a thick vmdk disk:
- # vmkfstools -i VM-name.vmdk <VM-name-new-disk>.vmdk -d zeroedthick
- # vmkfstools -i VM-name.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/destination_datastore/vmfolder/<VM-name-new-disk>.vmdk -d zeroedthick
For a thin vmdkdisk:
- # vmkfstools -i VM-name.vmdk <VM-name-new-disk>.vmdk -d thin
- # vmkfstools -i VM-name.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/destination_datastore/vmfolder/<VM-name-new-disk>.vmdk -d thin
- Delete the hosted disk after successful cloning using the command:
# vmkfstools -U VM-name.vmdk
- Rename the cloned VMFS type new disk to the original disk name using the command:
# vmkfstools -E VM-name-new-disk.vmdk VM-name.vmdk
- Run this command to unload the multiextent module:
# vmkload_mod -u multiextent
For more information, see Cloning and converting virtual machine disks with vmkfstools (1028042).