Moving Robots
The Nimsoft security mechanism will allow you to MOVE a robot to a different domain, but not 'pull' a robot from within another domain.
Therefore, you must be logged in to the old domain to be able to MOVE robots FROM the old domain to the new domain.
If you are trying to move the Robot from one Nimsoft domain to another you must first login to the hub in domain 'A' when you want to move a robot to domain 'B'
Via the Infrastructure Manager:
- Log into the hub (via Rt-Click->Login...) where you want to Move the robot FROM.
- Select View -> 'Show All Domains.'
- Right-click the Robot and select Move to move it to the NEW domain.
If you still don't see the Hub you're moving it to, Press F5 to refresh the view and wait about 30 secs and see if the new domain is now listed.
Moving Hubs
- You cannot move Hubs using the Infrastructure Manager (IM).
- To move a hub to a NEW domain you have to edit the "domain = " parameter in the hub.cfg and cold-start it.
- When you move a hub to a new Domain all the robots will also move with no additional configuration required.
- Note that if you have configured a static route to the hub on the old domain then this must be removed before starting the hub
- Stop the hub that you wish to move to the new Domain.
- Remove any static routes to this hub in the old Domain.
- Change the "domain =" parameter in hub.cfg to point to the new domain.
- Start the Hub
- If required, create new static route to the new Domain.