TPX provides support for Secured Signon using Pass ticket.
The use of Passtickets eliminates the transmission of passwords across network facilities in clear text.
A pass ticket is a one-time only password substitute that is automatically generated by an authentication server, such as CA's Single Signon Option or IBM's Network Security Program or on behalf of a client workstation requesting access to a mainframe application, such as TPX.
Once a user is signed on to TPX, Pass tickets may also be generated for applications subsequently accessed through TPX.
NOTE 1: This document is specific to ACF2. For instructions specific to Top Secret or RACF, please refer to the links at the end of this document.
The implementation of Passticket support requires customization within the security system (ACF2) and TPX.
LU09873 (Security or Integrity Problem) must be applied to correct Enhanced passticket support.
Required setup in ACF2 :
Write rules for FASTAUTH calls for CLASS=PTKTDATA, ATTR=UPDATE, and ENTITYX=‘PTKTGEN.applid.userid‘.
Create PTKTDATA profile records for example…
Verify ACF2 PTKTDATA profiles have been built correctly,
See Allow Password and Password Phrase Using a PassTicket for further details.
TPX Setup requirements.
Within TPX, there are two separate aspects of Pass Ticket support: Users and Applications.
You can implement one or the other or both depending upon your site requirements.
TPX facilitates the enforcement of both non-qualified passticket and/or qualified passticket.
When both are specified, TPX attempts to use the most secure form of pass ticket available based on the
settings in TPX and the ACF2 Passticket Profile (PTKTDATA) definitions in the external security system.
A. Logon to TPX with a Passticket < This is used in specific instances and is not used commonly >
This parameter does not impact the actual sign on to TPX.
TPX accepts the userid and password then makes a security call for validation.
TPX is unaware of whether the password field contains a password or pass ticket at this point.
Once the user is signed on to TPX then this parameter becomes important, and these are outlined in the field level help:
B. Logon to applications with a Passticket
The application must be defined in TPX Application Characteristics table (ACT)
Set ' Generate Pass Ticket: Y ' in the ACT , or Profile Session Options, or User Session Options.
To use qualified pass tickets, set ' Gen Qualified Pass Ticket: Y ' in the ACT, or Profile Session Options, or User Session Options.
Set 'Pass Ticket Prof name', if required, in the ACT. (This parameter is not available at profile or user level.)
This pass ticket profile name will be supplied to the external security system instead of userid during Passticket generation.
Create a startup TPX ACL / script, to initiate an auto signon that keys in &userid and &pswd variables for an application to ensure secured signon using Passticket
Session Data may also be used to trigger auto signon and can contain &PSWD or a combination of &userid/&pswd between the ACL and Session Data.
NOTE: TPX sends Session Data for credential validation to security, as one string.
To use Session Data for a TSO signon ...
.....will require that the ACF2 GSO / TSO record have QLOGON turned ON.
If your site uses NOQLOGON in the GSO /TSO record, you must then use an ACL to sign on to TSO rather than Session Data.
(See Additional Information section below regarding ACF2 & TSO.)
Tracing and debugging options.
Run ACF2 security traces to verify whether or not your application requires a 'Passticket Profile name' to be defined.
Run an ACF2 SECTRACE against the TPX address space (using TPX jobname) to verify the generation of a pass ticket in ACF2.
Repeat the test with a second SECTRACE against the application to verify what entity the application is sending to ACF2 for validation.
If it is not the VTAM APPLID, define this entity in the TPX ACT 'Passticket Profile name' field so that TPX requests the
pass ticket for this value instead of the APPLID.
It is important to not run each SECTRACE at the same time so that the trace data remains specific to either TPX or the application.
Also ensure the entity identified in the trace on the application (the one that you are specifying in 'Pass Ticket Prof name')
is defined within ACF2 PTKTDATA.
To verify if the profile name has been set up for pass tickets:
LIST profname
If it does not exist, insert the definition.
'Pass Ticket Prof name' is usually required for TSO and VM systems, where this parameter will have the value "TSOsmfid" or "VMcpuid".
Other applications requiring Pass Ticket prof name, as provided to us by TPX customers: (Please verify for your environment.)
MVSxxxx system default
Review the APPL statement assigned in VTAM for the 'primary' SYSVIEW.
The following primary applid's have been observed at some site's, for SYSVIEW
but a secondary of SYSVIEWD for all 3 above.
(check your site on what is used for SYSVIEW applID)
Using the Passticket Profile Name of SYSVIEWD works in the above case.
There may be other applications that may require a non-standard RACROUTE verification, other than the application name.
This should be determined in conjunction with that application vendor and your security administrator.
Additional TPX Setup Requirements:
To ensure that all changes have been implemented, cycle TPX or use TPXOPER RELOAD for each change.