Trying to route a Endevor job to another LPAR and getting return code (RC) of 47. What is wrong?
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Trying to route a Endevor job to another LPAR and getting return code (RC) of 47. What is wrong?


Article ID: 32493


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


When trying to route Endevor jobs to another LPAR, we are getting a return code 47 or S047.
What is wrong?



The CA Endevor CSIQAUTH and CSIQAUTU libraries need to be APF authorized on the other LPAR. 

If using a STEPLIB in the job, verify that all libraries in the STEPLIB concatenation are APF authorized.
If one library is the concatenation  is not authorized, then all libraries in the chain become unathorized.