DC329000 TMGR error 00: DBIO error RC=0BBD in local batch job
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DC329000 TMGR error 00: DBIO error RC=0BBD in local batch job


Article ID: 32371


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IDMS IDMS - Database


Local mode batch job gets abend DC329000 TMGR error 00: DBIO error RC=0BBD.

What is DBIO error 0BBD?


Release: All supported releases.


The DBIO error code displayed in this message is in hexadecimal format, so x'0BBD' = is abend code 3005. 

3005 is an abend code that indicates a failure to open a required file. See ABND3005.

In the job listing, there should also be an operating system message indicating a certain DD STATEMENT is MISSING.


The missing DD can be for any required database file but for most of the reported cases of this error for a local batch job, the client was running with a DMCL that defined a TAPE JOURNAL (local mode journal definition) and it was the DD for the TAPE JOURNAL that was missing.

A DMCL can either define DISK JOURNALs (used for CV) or a TAPE JOURNAL (used only in local batch).

When running a local batch job using a DMCL that defines a TAPE JOURNAL, there must be a DD in the JCL for this journal file.