The BGP session diagnostics, needs to be enabled/disabled from the respective Tier0 Service router in the edge node CLI.
Use the below commands in the edge node CLI as admin user:
Edge> get logical-routers
Edge> vrf <vrf_id of SERVICE_ROUTER_TIER0>
To enable BGP session diagnostics for a BGP neighbor on the edge node:
Edge(tier0_sr)> set debug
Edge(tier0_sr)> set routing debug session-diagnostics neighbor <neighbor-ip>
Edge(tier0_sr)> exit
To disable BGP session diagnostics for a BGP neighbor on the edge node:
Edge(tier0_sr)> set debug
Edge(tier0_sr)> del routing debug session-diagnostics neighbor <neighbor-ip>
Edge(tier0_sr)> exit
To get the BGP session diagnostics information for a specific BGP neighbor on the edge node:
Edge> get logical-routers
Edge> vrf <vrf_id of SERVICE_ROUTER_TIER0>
Edge(tier0_sr)> get bgp neighbor <neighbor-ip> session-diagnostics
To get the BGP session diagnostics information for all the neighbors on the Tier0 Service router:
Edge(tier0_sr)> get bgp neighbor session-diagnostics