Alert from one spectrum landscape failed to occur on SOI
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Alert from one spectrum landscape failed to occur on SOI


Article ID: 31779


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Alert from one Spectrum landscape failed to occur on SOI Console


Spectrum integrated with SOI


The SpectrumIM Connector sends a heartbeat poll to the Spectrum Landscape every minute to verify the connectivity.

Two reasons why this heartbeat poll gets missed:

1.  The SpectroSERVER on that Landscape is busy and Corba requests from the Corba Client timed out.

2.  The port 14001 is blocked between the Spectrum Server and the Connector Server. The Connector listens on port 14001 for Heartbeats and updates from Spectrum.

When the heartbeat gets missed, the Connector re-initializes and it does not receive any updates from Spectrum.

To determine this problem in the Spectrum Connector log search for "heartbeat missed" messages

      example message:

      Spectrum Heartbeat was missed, Connector will reinitialize


For item 1:  Check in the SpectroSERVER $SPECROOT\SS\VNM.OUT file for Corba Timeout messages. If there are Corba timeouts, this has to be reviewed from the Spectrum side. To prevent the SpectrumIM connector to reinitialize in this situation, increase the hbtimeout value in the connector     configuration file.

                  SOI\resources\Configurations\SpectrumIM_<connector host>_<Spectrum host>.xml


For item 2:  Test port connectivity from the SpectroSERVER to the Connector Server by running the following command on the SpectroSERVER.

                  telnet <connector server hostname> 14001

If this is not connecting, the port needs to be opened in the firewall.