Cases for which the tapes will be not scratched during the TMSCLEAN processing and how to correct if the tapes are in error.
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Cases for which the tapes will be not scratched during the TMSCLEAN processing and how to correct if the tapes are in error.


Article ID: 31760


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CA 1 Flexible Storage


What would cause a tape to not scratch with TMSCLEAN?


Consider the following cases for which the tapes are not scratched by the TMSCLEAN processing, and how you could correct them if the volumes are not appropriately updated to be scratched:

1) if the expdt is in a future. 
>>>>> NOTHING to CORRECT, just wait for the EXPDT to be met. 

2) if the expdt= past , file cataloged and SCRCAT=NO and OCTLG=NO or SCRCAT=GDG and this is a GDG and it is still cataloged. 
>>>>>NOTHING to CORRECT, just wait for the data sets to be uncataloged. 

Scratch If Still Cataloged (Options Checklist #25) 
Use the SCRCAT parameter to control if TMSCLEAN selects tapes for scratching that are still cataloged, even when not under Catalog Control. 
This option gives you the ability to keep the tape until both its retention limit has been met (or cycle limit or ldate limit) and is no longer cataloged before it is eligible to be scratched by TMSCLEAN. 
The hlq.CTAPOPTN(TMOOPTxx) SCRCAT parameter has the following options: 
(Default) Specifies that any volume regardless of the catalog status is selected. 
Specifies that any volume set that contains a GDG file that is still cataloged in the MVS catalog is not selected for scratch processing. 
Specifies that any volume set that contains any file that is still cataloged in the MVS catalog is not selected for scratch processing. 
This parameter is ignored if the OCTLG parameter is still set to YES or you are doing a scratch immediately from the ISPF panel. 

Note: the default value of the OCTLG is YES. This means that the TMSCTLG should be run during the CA 1 daily process. 

What we advise is that this parameter be set to NO. Please find the definition of this parameter and the instructions to follow to set it to NO. If this one is set NO, you don't need to run TMSCTLG during the CA 1 daily process. 

Use Old TMSCTLG Processing (Options Checklist #26) 
Use the OCTLG parameter to control if TMSCTLG controls tape volumes under Catalog Control in the same method as previous versions, or if TMSCLEAN should control tape volume sets under Catalog Control using the flag indicators. 
Note: The specification of OCTLG has no bearing on the new real-time OS catalog interface. It simply indicates to TMSCLEAN if the new catalog indicators should be trusted. 
The hlq.CTAPOPTN(TMOOPTxx) OCTLG parameter has the following options: 
(Default) Specifies that the old process of using TMSCTLG is still being used. 
Specifies that the new method of controlling Catalog Controlled files is used. Set to NO only when TMSOSCAT has been run with a parameter of RESYNC if all system catalogs are shared. If the TMC is shared between systems that do not share the system catalogs then, run TMSOSCAT on one system with a PARM of RESYNC. When this is done run TMSOSCAT on all other systems with PARM=SYNC. This ensures that the flags have all been correctly set. 

3) the volume is vaulted. or one of the following fields OUTCODE, OUTDATE or SLOTS are updated with a value. 
>>>>>>>Clear the OUTCODE, OUTDATE and SLOT via CHECKIN in the CA 1 ISPF panels or via TMSUPDTE. 

4) the volume is defined as an external data manager - this means that the EDMId is updated with the value that you have defined in the TMOEDM00. 

Use the parameters in TMOEDMxx to supply information about externally managed tapes if CA 1 tapes are controlled by an External Data Manager (EDM), such as DFHSM. 
A tape is considered to be externally managed if: 
? It is created through an authorized program (APF authorized), and the program is linked AC=1 
? It matches the selection criteria for one of the External Data Manager IDs (EDMID) specified in the TMOEDMxx member of hlq.CTAPOPTN. 3592 WORM cartridges are never selected for the EDM interface because they cannot be scratched. An EDM criteria should not be defined for data sets that are created on WORM tapes. Virtual (logical) WORM tapes may be externally managed and may get an EDMID assigned. 
Note: An EDMID is a 4-character field that is stored in the TMC volume record to identify which EDM controls that tape. 
Within this member, multiple EDMIDs may be specified. Duplicate EDMIDs are allowed, that is, you may have multiple sets of definitions all identified by the same EDMID. The specified EDM rules are used to assign an EDMID during tape creation and expiration. When a tape is created, the determined EDMID is stored in the TMC. When a tape is released from EDM control, the EDMID is compared with the one from the TMC to verify that the expiring EDM is the actual owner of the tape. 

5) if you have the chaining error on the multivolumes-multifiles, till the chaining errors are not corrected the volumes are not scratched by TMSCLEAN. In this case you need to run a TMSPTRS, check and correct the chaining errors and then the volumes will go scratch. 

>>>>>> Correct the chaining errors. 

6) if you use an EXCLUDE on the TMSCLEAN, these volumes will be not processed and not scratched. 
If you use an INCLUDE on the TMSCLEAN and this is not a volume that was included it will not be processed. 
>>>>>Change the control statement so that is tape is include or not excluded. 

7) if there is a problem between the settings of FLAG4 and FLAG5 it may not be scratched. 

>>>>>>>> Correct the settings of FLAG4 and 5. 

8) if the tape is under catalog control and is multifile then all of the data sets on the tape (and under catalog control) must be uncataloged before the tape will be scratched. If there are data sets on the tape with an expdt that is not in the past then the highest of these will be moved to the VOLUME EXPDT when all other files are uncataloged. 
IE: file 1 is CATALOG 
File 2 is CATALOG 
FILE 3 is 2016/032 
When file 1 and 2 are uncataloged the EXPDT on the volume will be changed to 2016/032 and the tape will not be scratched until this new date. 
>>>>>>>If you want to override the EXPDT and scratch the tape now, then change the EXPDT to today’s date.