Vertica update failure produces "Permission Denied" error when loading adminTools
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Vertica update failure produces "Permission Denied" error when loading adminTools


Article ID: 31753


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration



After fixing the issues related to a a failed vertica upgrade, and then rerunning the upgrade, the following error is seen:

Database is running. Please stop the database via admintools and re-run [FAIL]

When attempting to launch adminTools from /opt/vertica/bin to verify if the database is running the following error is seen:

[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf.lock'



2.6 Data Repository


The cause of the [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf.lock' error when launching adminTools was that several directories changed owner and group.  The directories were:

  1. /opt/vertica/config
  2. /opt/vertica/log
  3. /opt/vertica/scripts

The owner and group changed to root for both /opt/vertica/config and /opt/vertica/log.  For /opt/vertica/scripts, just the group changed to root



The owner and group for /opt/vertica/config and /opt/vertica/log should be changed to dradmin (or the equivalent user) and verticadba respectively and the group for /opt/vertica/scripts should be changed to verticadba.  This can be accomplished with the following commands:

  1. chown -R dradmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config
  2. chown -R dradmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/log
  3. chgrp -R verticadba /opt/vertica/scripts

This is what it should look like after running the commands noted above and doing a directory listing:

  1. drwxrwxr-x 11 dradmin verticadba 4096 Sep 16 03:30 log
  2. drwxrwxr-x  6 dradmin verticadba 4096 Sep 16 02:33 config
  3. drwxrwxr-x  2 root    verticadba 4096 Sep 16 02:16 scripts


You will now be able to successfully launch adminTools without seeing the [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf.lock', confirm the database is down, and rerun your install


Release: IMDAGG99000-2.6-Infrastructure Management-Data Aggregator