CA ACF2 violations when trying to add or delete an ALIAS
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CA ACF2 violations when trying to add or delete an ALIAS


Article ID: 31738


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


ACF99913 violations are occurring when trying to add or delete an ALIAS dataset. What rules need to be written to grant access?


ACF2 makes up to 3 checks when making dataset alias changes:

1. The user making the change must have WRITE access to the RELATEd User catalog.

2. A SAF FACILITY check for STGADMIN.IGG.DEFDEL.UALIAS is made.  If the user is allowed READ access to this resource, the data set check on the ALIAS name will be bypassed.  

3. If the FACILITY check fails, a normal access check is performed for access to the alias. ALLOCATE access is required.