During our precheck and upgrade to DX UIM 23.4 environment we ran into a failure as the automated_deployment_engine (ADE) probe didn't come up.
ade log:
2024-01-17 14:44:53,696 WARN probe.ProbeController:waitForResponse:250 [main] - nametoip failed: (4) not found, Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'nametoip' name = 'automated_deployment_engine'
2024-01-17 14:44:56,196 ERROR probe.ProbeController:waitForResponse:261 [main] - Failed to communicate with probe 'automated_deployment_engine' in the allotted time.
2024-01-17 14:44:56,197 ERROR impl.UIMServerConfigureController:run:527 [main] - NimException caught
(6) permission denied, Failed to communicate with probe 'automated_deployment_engine' in the allotted time of 300 secs.
DX UIM 23.4
Automated_deployment_engine probe 23.4
This issue is observed when the archive contains custom packages that do not have info.pkg and version information.
This version is shipped as part of Resolved Issues in DX UIM 23.4.1 (broadcom.com)
To download this fix access the release notes of 23.4CU1 and scroll down to the bottom of the document to find the instructions of the additional patches (CU1.1)
UIM Server 23.4 - Cumulative Update 1
Operator Console 23.4 - Cumulative Update 1