PFInstaller.exe failed on 'microsoft.vsa.dll'
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PFInstaller.exe failed on 'microsoft.vsa.dll'


Article ID: 277893


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


While trying to install on a Windows Server 2019 a new pointfix using "pfinstaller2.exe", pfinstaller fails with the error:

"Compilation Error CS0006 in (0): Metadata file 'microsoft.vsa.dll" could not be found"

The server came preinstalled with .NET 4.7 but also it has been installed .NET 4.8 along with the rest of the ITMS prerequisites. 


ITMS 8.7.1


Known issue. The problem is in NSCript.exe tool that tries to add a reference to this assembly for any script execution. 


This issue has been reported to our Broadcom Development team. A fix is targeted for our ITMS 8.7.2 release.

In the meantime, as a workaround  you can manually replace old "NScript.exe" with the new fixed "NScript.exe" on the SMP 8.7.1 environment:

  1. Download attached "" to SMP 8.7.1 server and extract it content.
  2. In "%NS Install Dir%\Altiris\Notification Server\Bin\", find existing "NScript.exe" and rename it to something like "NScript_old" and upload there the new updated "NScript.exe" from ""
  3. Try again running "pfinstaller2.exe"

Attachments get_app