Can't install apmia agent...
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Can't install apmia agent...


Article ID: 274812


Updated On:


CA Application Performance Management SaaS


We tried to uninstall and reinstall the agent and get to following messages:

sudo ./ install
APMIA is already installed at /opt/IntroscopeAgent/apmia with service apmia

The uninstall looks good.  However, when attempting to re-install it states the it's already installed??  

How do we "really" uninstall the agent OR how do we convince apmia that it's not really installed properly?



Release : SAAS


We didn't find any references to the APMIA in /etc/init, /etc/systemd/system, /etc/init.d

We did find an old /etc/init/sysedge.conf file which set the isinstall=2


We ran the uninstall, removed the sysedge.conf from /etc/init/

We ran the install and now the APMIA up and running.