Policy Server R12.8.7 installer is not recognizing JRE 11.0.20 and higher and reports "Invalid JRE Path".
OS: Red Hat, Windows
Java: Oracle or AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.20 or newer (versions prior to this are unaffected)
Unix Error:
Windows Error:
Release : 12.8.06 and 12.8.07
OS: All Supported Operating Systems (Windows, Red Hat)
This is due to changes in the Java release 11.0.20.
core-libs/java.util.jar |
Installer Output with Java 11.0.19 (working): | Installer Output with Java 11.0.20(not working): |
JAVACHECK_EXECUTE_STDOUT - Selected Java architecture : 64 JAVACHECK_EXECUTE_STDERR - ADOPT_OPEN_JDK|SM|64|SM|11.0.19|SM| prop.java.class.path - /tmp/install.dir.12059/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.12059/InstallerData/installer.zip: ---------------------------- CHOSEN_JDK_ROOT - < jdk-11.0.19+7-jre_root directory> IS_SELECTED_64_BIT - true IS_SELECTED_JAVA_11 - true IS_SELECTED_JAVA_1DOT8 - false IS_ADOPT_OPEN_JDK - true IS_ORACLE_JDK - false SELECTED_JAVA_VERSION - 11.0.19 USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_1=
JAVACHECK_EXECUTE_STDOUT - JAVACHECK_EXECUTE_EXITCODE - 1 prop.java.class.path - /tmp/install.dir.12059/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.12059/InstallerData/installer.zip: ---------------------------- ---------------------------- CHOSEN_JDK_ROOT - < jdk-11.0.20+8-jre_root_directory> IS_SELECTED_64_BIT - false IS_SELECTED_JAVA_11 - false IS_SELECTED_JAVA_1DOT8 - false IS_ADOPT_OPEN_JDK - false IS_ORACLE_JDK - false SELECTED_JAVA_VERSION - *** LogExceptionIAWrapper *** ***************************** *****Custom Action:
This problem is fixed in the R12.8.8 release.
If you are experiencing this problem in release 12.8.7 or older, please follow these instructions to work around the problem:
For Unix platforms:
Set the following environment variable, then start the installation:JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true'
For Windows Platforms:
Set the following environment variable, then start the installation:_JAVA_OPTIONS
This problem also affects the Access Gateway installer program and has the same workaround. The Access Gateway version of this document can be viewed here: Access Gateway installer does not recognize JDK 11.0.20 - Invalid JDK/JVM error or installer fails to launch.