Data Discrepancies in Actuals, Estimates or Allocation
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Data Discrepancies in Actuals, Estimates or Allocation


Article ID: 27253


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


There are discrepancies in actuals (ACT), estimates (ETC), or allocations (ALC) in Clarity or Jaspersoft reports.

One or more of the following actual hours/units discrepancy scenarios exist:

  • Cost plan vs Posted Transactions Review portlet
  • Timesheet versus time slices
  • Project Team / Task vs Posted Transactions Review
  • ACWP is 0 or not being reflected properly


Release: All
Component: Clarity Project Management


The issue can stem from a failure from a conflict with the Time Slicing and/or Load DWH job.


Step 1: Use the following queries to compare the actual hours(units) on the project side

  1. Actual Hours

    select slice, slice_date, r.full_name, t.prname task_name, project
    from prj_blb_slices s, prassignment a, prtask t, srm_resources r, srm_projects p
    where s.prj_object_id = a.prid
    and a.prtaskid = t.prid
    and t.prprojectid =
    and a.prresourceid =
    and p.unique_name like '%project unique name here%' and r.unique_name like '%resource unique name%'
    and slice_request_id = 2
  2. Estimate Hours

    select slice, slice_date, r.full_name, t.prname task_name, project
    from prj_blb_slices s, prassignment a, prtask t, srm_resources r, srm_projects p
    where s.prj_object_id = a.prid
    and a.prtaskid = t.prid
    and t.prprojectid =
    and a.prresourceid =
    and p.unique_name like '%project unique name here%' and r.unique_name like '%resource unique name%'
    and slice_request_id = 3

  3. Task Assignment Hours

    select r.full_name, t.prname task_name, project, a.*
    from prassignment a, prtask t, srm_resources r, srm_projects p
    where a.prtaskid = t.prid
    and t.prprojectid =
    and a.prresourceid =
    and p.unique_name like '%project unique name here%' and r.unique_name like '%resource unique name%'

  4. Team Allocation Hours

    If there is concern with verifying allocation data for time slices, the query below will pull the daily records for one project and resource combination.
    This data can be compared with the resource's availability to a specific project in OWB or MSP.

    select slice, slice_date, r.full_name, project
    from prj_blb_slices s, prteam t, srm_resources r, srm_projects p
    where s.prj_object_id = t.prid
    and t.prprojectid =
    and t.prresourceid =
    and p.unique_name like'%project unique name here%' and r.unique_name like '%resource unique name%'
    and slice_request_id = 10

    Step 2. Use the following queries to compare the actual hours(units) on the financial module side

    w.externaltransno, w.transno, w.applyto, 
    w.sourcemodule, w.transtype, 
    w.externalbatchid, w.entrydate, w.transdate, w.status, w.quantity, wv.billrate,   
    wv.amount, wv.price, wv.actualcost ac_rate, wv.amountremaining,w.glposted, 
    w.project_code, tsk.prname, w.resource_code, w.external_id, w.task_id, w.role_code, 
    w.charge_code, wv.currency_code, w.user_lov1, wv.* 
    from ppa_wip w, 
    ppa_wip_values wv, 
    prtask tsk 
    where and w.transno = wv.transno 
    and tsk.prid = w.task_id 
    and wv.currency_type = 'home' 
    --and w.transdate = 'DD-MON-YYYY'
    --and w.resource_code in ('example')
    --and w.project_code = upper('example')
    --and w.task_id = 5xxxxxx
       order by w.transno

    If there is a discrepancy, please contact the Support Team if the following actions do not resolve the issue.
  • Ensure the Time Slicing job has run and completed.
  • Reslicing the data item in question via the Administration > Data Administration > Time Slices
  • Check if data correct utility CSTool is needed

Tip: The Home > Resource Management > Resource Planning page is a collection of portlets that users can use to perform a quick check of Clarity calculations such as actual units.
One such portlet that can be helpful is the Resource Workloads portlet.

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