Using Gen 8.6 Linux CSE with a remote Oracle database
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Using Gen 8.6 Linux CSE with a remote Oracle database


Article ID: 271136


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Does the Gen 8.6 CSE Oracle database need to reside on the same Linux server as where the CSE software is installed or can a remote Oracle database be used?


Gen Linux Client/Server Encyclopedia (CSE)


Feasibility to use remote Oracle Database

In the Gen 8.6 documentation under Client Server Encyclopedia Administration, after "Optimize Disk Usage" there is this note:
While it is possible to configure the CSE environment such that the database is on a different physical machine, it is not a recommended configuration for performance reasons. The architecture of the normal execution of the CSE process is such that there are many individual messages that are passed between the CSE process and the database process. This leads to performance issues because any network latency between the two machines is multiplied by the number of requests made. If the current configuration is necessary, then care must be taken to ensure that the communications infrastructure between the two machines is as quick as possible.

However, with improved modern-day network bandwidths and thus reduced network latency, using a remote database may still give good/adequate performance, especially if the database is residing on a dedicated VM that is tuned particularly for good database performance and that cannot be achieved on the VM where the CSE software is installed.
Due to environment-specific conditions, testing the CSE performance for both local and remote database options would be the recommendation.

Required steps for Linux CSE to access a remote Oracle Database

To use a remote Oracle database requires a change in the CSE Configuration steps to connect to the remote Oracle TNS Listener hosting the database and for the same information to be stored in the resulting iefmd.ini file.
For both Encyclopedia and Coordination Database Connections, the Database Name and Database Password can be specified as normal while the Database User ID should be specified as <user>@<service-name> where <service-name> is the name defined in the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora.
NOTE: This is identical to what is required for a Windows CSE which is 32-bit software and always needs to connect to any 64-bit Oracle database (local or remote) via the Oracle TNS Listener (Configure a CSE > Set Configuration Parameters - see "Encyclopedia Database Connection").

Additional Information

Gen EDGE Community post: Now Available: CSE on Linux
Knowledge hub article: Gen 8.6 Linux CSE knowledge hub