How many OBS Levels can be created?
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How many OBS Levels can be created?


Article ID: 27094


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


How many OBS Levels can be created? What is the OBS Level limitation?


Clarity PPM 15.x


Actually, there is no limit to the OBS breadth (number of nodes per unit/level), but it can only go 10 levels deep.

You can create a maximum of 10 OBS levels within the OBS structure and an unlimited number of OBS units in each OBS level. When you have more than one OBS level, you can select an existing OBS unit as a parent to create the child OBS units. 

The exception to the number of OBS Levels being 10 is for the Department OBS.

For this, you can create additional levels by adding Departments under Home/Departments and making the new ones have a parent the one above it.

For instance. When you get to Level 10 OBS and you create a new Department, make the parent OBS be level 10.

Then continue to make new ones with the lowest level OBS as the parent.

Additional Information

Reference the current Administration Guide for creating Organisational Breakdown Structure Units on Techdocs