On a Windows workstation running Open Workbench (OWB), the default maximum JAVA memory that is allocated for Open Workbench (OWB) is up to 500MB. You can modify the workstation's Windows registry to override the default memory allocation. This can help when running into issues saving large projects back to Clarity PPM.
When saving a project back from OWB, an error such as this one may be thrown:
Unable to save project CA PPM\<projectid>. Connection reset.
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the Microsoft® Windows Registry.
Before you modify the registry, make sure to create a backup of the registry and ensure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem may occur.
For more information about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, please review the relevant Microsoft Knowledge Base articles on support.microsoft.com.
Steps for setting maximum memory usage for Open Workbench: