OBS rights issue when creating or copying Sub Object of Project in 16.1.2
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OBS rights issue when creating or copying Sub Object of Project in 16.1.2


Article ID: 267328


Updated On: 10-05-2023


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Cannot create / copy sub objects on project while having correct OBS permissions

Steps to Reproduce: 

1- Create a Sub object of project:


2- Create a security group to assign OBS permissions

3- Assign a Security OBS to the group for these permissions
For example:

Project - Create - Deliverables        Security OBS: <Some OBS>
Project - View All - Deliverables    Security OBS: <Some OBS>
Project - Edit All - Deliverables    Security OBS: <Some OBS>
Project - Create - Pricing            Security OBS: <Some OBS>
Project - View All - Pricing        Security OBS: <Some OBS>
Project - Edit All - Pricing        Security OBS: <Some OBS>

4- Login to Modern and open a project with Security OBS: <Some OBS>

5- Go to the Pricing or Deliverables tab and the Create button will be missing.
Also cannot copy existing sub objects

Expected Results: OBS permissions allow user to create/copy sub object

Actual Results: OBS permissions do not allow user to create/copy sub object



Release : 16.1.2


This is being pursued at Broadcom under DE70217


DE70217 is fixed in 16.1.3 and 16.1.2 Patch 1 (


Enable the "Create Dialog" on the Blueprint Module