Configure CSA with HTTPS
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Configure CSA with HTTPS


Article ID: 266407


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We would like to enable CSA / NSA for HTTPS only, what steps should we follow? 


  1. Deploy your certificate on the server, update CSA with it. 
    • Note certificates will only include domains, not ports, so having the same domain as app, new certificate is not required
  2. Go to CSA - Server - Application
  3. Set the HTTPS Entry URL with the correct URL, enable the HTTPS port (i.e. 8093)
  4. Disable the HTTP port (on the same page in CSA, uncheck the HTTP port checkbox)
  5. Set the HTTP Entry URL to the URL you will be using to access, i.e. https://<servername>:8093 It is ok that it is https
  6. Select either Derive From Port Settings or Use HTTPS only in SSL Handling in CSA - Application
  7. Save, stop and remove the services
  8. Add, deploy and start the services