SAML SSO Enable Autologin in v21 behaves different from v12.3
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SAML SSO Enable Autologin in v21 behaves different from v12.3


Article ID: 264328


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation


After upgrading to version 21.0.5, the "Enable Autologin" feature on the login page no longer functions, and users are prompted for credentials every time they log in.

  1. Navigate to AWI (
  2. Check “Enable autologin” box
  3. Press “Next”
  4. Authenticated through Okta (on network so we do need to enter credentials…it just automatically goes through)
  5. Closes open tab(s) for AWI (
  6. Navigate back to AWI (
  7. Taken to dashboard

However, in v21.0.5, after being authenticated, the user has been prompted to the AWI login page and after pressing 'next', the user is taken to the dashboard.


Release : 21.0.5


Known Defect.


This has been fixed in 21.0.8.