Export to CSV running in background fails to export if grid have more than 500 records
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Export to CSV running in background fails to export if grid have more than 500 records


Article ID: 263944


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Export to CSV in background fails when more than 500 records are present in associated sub objects like status reports, risks etc.

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create Hierarchy 
  2. Add few projects 
  3. Navigate to risks or status report modules
  4. Make sure we have more than 500 records in grids. 
  5. Export to CSV

The notification on the MUX shows below

Expected Results: The export to CSV should work. The error message in bg-ca.log is also not informative to understand the cause of the error.

Actual Results: Notification says export failed and below error seen in the bg-ca.log


Release : 16.1.X

Component: Clarity MUX UI Usability


In investigation the below error is identified in bg-ca.log

ERROR 2023-04-10 10:03:37,571 [Dispatch Export to CSV Job :***** (tenant=clarity)] niku.njs (clarity:username:5405088__....:Export to CSV Job) Error executing job: 5044048
java.lang.Exception: Export Job Failed: null
    at com.niku.njs.listeners.CSVExportJobListener.scheduledEventFired(CSVExportJobListener.java:278)
    at com.niku.njs.BGTask.run(BGTask.java:113)



Workaround: Reduce the number of records to be lower than 500, in the grid view either by applying more explicit filter, removing some of the mapped projects.

The issue tracked as DE69380 is fixed in version 16.1.2