Prior to upgrading to Network Flow Analysis 22.2.6, we recommend running the below command on each and every Harvester server prior to avoid upgrade issues.
**NOTE** This only applies to upgrades to 22.2.6. It is not required to run these commands when upgrading directly to 22.2.12+
NFA Harvester when upgrading to 22.2.6.
There are some Application Mapping stored procedures which were added if the customer was ever on NFA 9.3.6. These procedures will cause MySQL upgrade issues when upgrading to NFA 22.2.6 and 22.2.11 (MySQL 8.0).
NFA 22.2.7 will remove these procedures prior to the upgrade but for customers who still need to upgrade to 22.2.6 and 22.2.11, please run the below commands on each Harvester:
**Please substitute your root user password in place of the default "root@123" if you changed it**
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_select;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_by_tos;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_by_no_tos_all;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_server_select;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_tos_select;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_net_select;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_tie_break_select;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_port_definitions_by_port_type;"
mysql harvester -uroot -proot@123 -t -e "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_app_map_nbar2_select;"
Once the commands have been ran, you can upgrade to NFA 22.2.6. This procedure will not be required if upgrading to NFA 22.2.7+.