Resetting scoreboard back to baseline
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Resetting scoreboard back to baseline


Article ID: 261077


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


The following procedure is of value when there are issues with scoreboard visualization, such as:

  • A specific scoreboard node should appear and does not (the user has the same access type of others and had not customized the scoreboard)
  • The user cannot see the scoreboard - the scoreboard tree is not accessible


Release 17.3 and higher
CA Service Desk Manager


Scoreboard is likely corrupt and should be reset


Run the following steps to have the scoreboard for that user rebuilt:

  1. Open a command prompt on the box where Service Desk is installed;
  2. Run the following command to take a backup of the table where the Scoreboard is registered:
    pdm_extract User_Query > usq_backup.txt
  3. Identify the obj_persid for the affected user's record in the User_Query table. The ca_contact table may be used to get that value (which corresponds to the id column in that table). For example, the following command retrieves the id of the Administrator user from the contact table:
    pdm_extract -f "Select id from ca_contact where userid = 'Administrator'" 
  4. Extract all rows from the User_Query table relating to this record:
    pdm_extract -f "Select * from User_Query where obj_persid = 'cnt:XXXX' " > user_reset.dat 
    where cnt:XXXX refers to the value returned for ID in the previous step.
  5. Run the following command to remove the entries for that user in the User_Query table:
    pdm_load -v -r -f user_reset.dat 
    The -v flag will display each action taken by the command above. If you prefer, you can run the command as follows to keep the output for reference:
    pdm_load -v -r -f user_reset.dat > user_reset.out
  6. Run the following command to refresh Service Desk cache:
    pdm_cache_refresh -t User_Query
  7. Clear the Internet Browser cache of the user having the problem.

    The next login done by any user will show the Default Scoreboard defined to his Access Type