I have many CABI Report Schedules and I need to update them in bulk. In my case I need to update the timezone as it is currently wrong.
How can I update them all in one go?
Release : UIM 20.4, CABI
JasperServer Reports (CABI) is third-party tool so Broadcom does not directly support this. However, the procedure from TIBCO is described in the articles below:
Below is an example applied to UIM CABI:
Objective: Update the timezone on multiple report schedules jobs.
1. Use POSTMAN (or any other REST CLIENT)
2. POST call using this URL: (in the example below I'm updating job 1,2 and 4. There you will have to put all your jobs id's. )
[to find the list of job ids run the following query: SELECT * FROM jireportjob ]
URL: http://<cabi_URL>/cabijs/rest_v2/jobs?id=1&id=2&id=4
This will update the timezone to "Europe/Bucharest" timezone on the schedule for jobs 1, 2, and 4.