Certificate Management for callback service to API endpoints - Arcot
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Certificate Management for callback service to API endpoints - Arcot


Article ID: 260608


Updated On:


CA Payment Security


This article looks to outline and track the certificates used in the interaction(s) listed below so they can be trusted by entities allowing Arcot to connect using mutual TLS. 
Arcot utilizes certificates that are valid for one year to ensure the highest level of security for transaction and other flow interactions. The most current certificates used by the Arcot service will be available and update as required.

The interactions will include the following:

  • Callback service of Arcot to entity using the certificate https://<silo>api.arcot.com/callback/apiv1/update-txn (trusted for outbound API call) 


Arcot’s recommendation is to trust the Root and Intermediate certificates only. If you are required to also trust the Leaf certificate, please ensure that all three certificates are loaded into your Trust Store. To avoid impact to service, the existing certificates must not be removed until they have expired.


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