Gen Java & .NET CMIDEBUG trace file directory customisation
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Gen Java & .NET CMIDEBUG trace file directory customisation


Article ID: 25837


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


The CMIDEBUG trace file destination directory can be customised within the following files:

  • for Java environments (Java proxy, Java web client)

  • commcfg.txt for .NET environments (.NET proxy, ASP.NET client).


Java environments:

Method 1:

Edit the file ("%Gen86%\Gen" directory). Locate the CMIDEBUG section & see comments:
# To turn tracing on and write to user specifiled file. Please make sure
# that the you have read/write permission for the same.

Uncomment the line 'CMIDEBUG=ON FILENAME' and replace FILENAME with a valid string. When specifying the FILENAME it is important to remember that under the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) the forward slash character ('/') can be used as a directory limiter for all underlying OS platforms (irrespective of whether they be Unix or Windows). For example on Windows, the FILENAME can be specified as follows:
CMIDEBUG=ON d:/temp/trace.out

The modified file then needs to be redeployed with your Java proxy or Java web client application.
Using this method for creating the trace file, a very small initial trace file named trace.out (~8 lines) will still be created in the Application Server root directory. The main trace file will be created as per the CMIDEBUG directive in the file.

Method 2:

To generate a single combined trace file the following method can be used.
Edit the file ("%Gen86%\Gen" directory).
As per Method 1, locate the CMIDEBUG section. However, in this case, ensure that all CMIDEBUG lines are commented out. The modified file then needs to be redeployed with your Java proxy or Java web client application.
The java command that starts the JVM for the Application Server needs to have the following additional property added to its options list:
-D"CMIDEBUG=ON d:/temp/trace.out"

Restart the Application Server. 
All trace information should be created in a single file as per the CMIDEBUG property above.

.NET environments:

Edit the commcfg.txt file ("%Gen86%\Gen\.net" directory).

Locate the CMIDEBUG section & see comments:

# To turn tracing on and write to user specified file. Please make sure
# that the you have read/write permission for the same.

The FILENAME can be specified in standard format (no double '\' required) e.g.
The modified commcfg.txt file then needs to be redeployed with your .NET proxy or ASP.NET application.